Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Beginning to Blog

How is it that you started to Blog? Where did you begin?  How does one or why does one Blog? It took a long time, in my opinion, to decide how and why and what to Blog.  I never really quite understood the point. I'm not saying I do at this point either but I have certainly read enough Blogs to figure out what people Blog about.  And they Blog about everything!  You name it, you'll find a Blog about it!

It appears, to me anyway, that a Blog can have a different meaning for each individual.  For some, I found, its a diary of sorts, maybe instruction, passions or things that are just interesting or disturbing.  For others is a way to get information to others.  And yet others find it useful to share things.  Things like recipes or planning something as tough as a trip or vacation.  They share their experiences and some share their thoughts on, well, everything.  It depends on the Blog you read.  I have found health blogs, craft blogs, clothing or even yard sale blogs.  Yes! People use them to sell items!  Go figure!

For myself, I couldn't figure out how a Blog would help me!  Then, one day it hit me.  I'll use it as an electronic diary for things that aren't as personal to me, that I don't mind sharing publicly.  I'm picky about that.

I have strong opinions about a lot of things and perhaps sharing my thoughts or feelings will help others with their own or shed a light of sorts.  It's ok to disagree, I don't mind.  I think it helps us tell who we are. Besides, who doesn't enjoy a good debate now and then or something to make your wheels turn?  To some degree, we all do!

A Blog, it turns out, isn't for everyone but can be for some.  But now that I feel I have it figured out, I'm feeling confident in trying my hand at it!  (As you can tell by the one your reading!)

So, if you have yet to set about Blogging, perhaps you will feel a little more comfortable with it or give it a try sometime.  I will be trying to put a sticky on my computer to remind me to sit and write. I've always preferred pen to paper...  Who knows, this electronic thing just might take off!

Below is a list of blog topics that I have interest in!  So follow by email or method of your preference and see what I come up with!

Catch you on the flip side!

Topics I have given some thought to blogging...

Current News topics - this is a tough one for me! LOL
Soap - how to make your own and more
Needlework - a few kinds
Estate Sales
And who knows what else might get my fingers to typing!  Stick around and find out!